By: Nsisong Eyo on 11/25/2017 04:16:00 am / comment : 0 Father's Sermon
"She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her,
Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."
"Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and
said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing
come unto thee."
"My little children, these things write I unto
you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father,
Jesus the righteous."
Brethren that is the theme of our revelation this
night. Can you now realise how much the Father has loved us? Can you also
relise how a child is his own enemy? The three texts are focused on this same
point. It is said the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal
life in Christ Jesus Our Lord. This explains God's insistence that we should
not commit sin.
Brethren, why is it that you do not harken to the
instructions of the Lord? Does it mean that you prefer death to life? Does it
mean that you prefer sickness to good health? Do you prefer poverty to wealth?
Can you now realise what has confronted the entire world?
From the beginning of times, God has always advised
that man should not commit any act of sin, that his children should not commit
any act of evil. Sin results in death, sin results in poverty, in exasperation,
sin also results in all tribulations affecting the children of men. It is sin
which completely separates man from God. If Adam did not commit any act of sin,
God would not have departed form him, and he would not have suffered the
punishment which afflicted him.
Why do you continue to confess your sins everyday?
Tomorrow you confess again that you have sinned and that God should forgive
you. How long will you continue to confess your sins, only to indulge in the
same sin again. Do you think that if you put your hands into fire, you will not
be burnt? Have you not heard that to obey is better than sacrifice,(1 Sam
15:22), and to harken than the fat of rams. Whosoever commits any act
of sin does not love his life.
When you are beset with sickness, you begin to murmur
against God and blaspheme against Him. Can your murmuring and blasphemy take
your sickness away? When disgrace is staring you in the face, you run away to
hide somewhere and you also cry and lament. Can these take disgrace away? From
the beginning of times God has never liked sin. No matter how dearly God has
loved you when you commit sin, He will desert you. I DO NOT BELIEVE THERE IS
When in heaven God asked, who will go and save man on
earth, Heaven remained silent and none opted to go. But Our Lord Jesus Christ
voluntarily offered to go. He was advised not to go because the world was
inhabited by wicked people who would kill him. He accepted to go and die on
behalf of mankind. He was prepared to die for the sake of his brethren, his
friends, his brothers. He who was the king of the angels, who was spotlessly
sinless, who was the heir of God, sitting on the right hand of God the Father.
Can you realise the love which God has for mankind and the hatred which man has
for himself? He came down from heaven and suffered as a thief, as a murderer,
the worldly people blashphemed against Him and made many allegations against
Him, disgraced Him, and defamed His character for my sake, and for the sake of
all the inhabitants of the world. He who has not committed any sin at all, and
who has not offended against any person but because of my sake, or your sake,
that I may live, and that you may live, and that the inhabitants of the world
may live and enjoy themselves, He gave His life as a ransom for many. Why is it
that man does not want to abide by the instructions of God? Man, why do you not
refrain from sin?
It is written that Christ will not die. Why then did
he suffer the three days death? It was because of my sins and your sins. I want
to show you that God is no respecter of persons. If Our Lord Jesus Christ did
not pledge His life for my sake and your sake, what would death do to Him? Who
would spit at Him? Who would curse and abuse Him? Who would have called Him
beelzebub? If he did not drink of that cup of sin and woe that night, how would
God forsake Him? Upon the several times they made attempts on His life, were
they able to kill Him? Did any person go near Him? I want to show to you who do
not want to refrain from sin that the moment you commit any sin, God
departs from you, He forsakes you. When you steal even one kobo, He departs
from you. When you fornicate, He departs from you. When you commit the minutest
sin, (Of course no sin is minute), He will have no communinion with you again.
It is said a bird sings melodiously when it is not yet
fallen into a snare or trap. But when it is caught by a trap the melody will no
longer be heard. Remember that it was the night that Our Lord Jesus had his
sweat turn into blood and he fell three times with his face on the ground
praying that if the Father willed, the cup should pass away from him, but he
decision had already been taken on the matter and the cup did not pass away
from Him. Note that it was it was because of the cup of woe that He drank that
He died. Have you not heard when he shouted on the cross, "Eloi, Eloi,
lama sabacthani, My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?" It was because
of the cup of the world's woe that He accepted to take as a surety to all the
inhabitants of the world, that He died.
What crime did your senior brother commit that he
would be allowed to live alone in the kingdom of God and that he should go to
seek and redeem and save mankind unto himself? Were you created from sin? Have
you not heard that God created man in His own image and likeness? What
is the likeness of God in man? IT IS LOVE, IT IS PEACE, TRUTH, MERCY,
From that time this same gospel of "FORSAKE
SIN" has always been preached, but inspite of this, you continue to
indulge in all acts of sin, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening,
in the night and everytime. With your persistence have you found peace in your
lives? Look at the position of the world. You must search for the black goat
when it is not yet dark. God has decleared publicly that whosoever commits sin
is worthy of death. This declaration has come to stay because God honors his
words. Ab initio, it has always been preached about repentance, that men should
refrain from sin. Noah preached for one hundred and twenty years about abstinence
from sin, but man has not complied with nor does he even listen to him. At the
end of it, God destroyed the world with a great flood because the wages of sin
is death. When you commit any act of sin your wage is death.
All our sickness, all our encumberances and
pestilences and the storm of life, and wretchedness, and imprisonment and all
other problems and difficulties afflicting us are for reason of our sinfulness.
Look at a one time beautiful girl, but if she gives you food now, you would not
like to eat because she has become a very dirty and ugly girl because of sin.
Man was not created to be old or sick, or to be hungry
or to lack money or to be poor. Man should not do anything, he was meant to be
served by angels, but because of sin, that you have resolved that you will
never refrain from, that is why you are beset with problems. The sins we are
forbidden from committing by God, are what we commit, but the good things we
ought to have done, we do not do. What do you expect God to do?
He had sent His angels to warn you not to commit sin.
But do you listen to Him who has refrained from sin? He sent His prophets to
announce to you to refrain from sin that you may live. Who has accepted to
comply with such instructions? If you had left the angels and the prophets who
were sent,to return, when you disobeyed, it would have been better, but you
killed them, beat up some of them, wounded some and imprisoned others, that
they ought not to have warned you.
If you recall, why Our Lord Jesus Christ was hated was
that he preached to the people to refrain from sin. Why was John the Baptist
killed? It was because John told Herod that he should not have married the wife
of his half-brother because it was sinful. That is why he was killed. John also
pointed out to Herod his evil and all his sinful ways, and that was why John
was imprisoned and later on killed because Herod contended that he had insulted
and disgraced him. Even today, if somebody advises that you should not
prostitute about, you will die with that adviser. You will find a means of
killing him. If you are advised not to indulge yourself in the preparation of
concoction and charms, you will find a way to kill the person advising you. If
somebody advices that you should not tell lies again you will want to finish
with that person because you will regard him as committing a sin against you, a
crime worthy of death. If some other person advises you to fornicate, and
indulge in the preparation of concoction, and to commit murder, that person
will be your bossom friend.
It is said when the battle is tough, the king will
lead the army. Can you observe the love which God has for us by sending us the
Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, at this end of time. With His long
patience, He sent his angels and you killed some, imprisoned others. He also
sent His prophets and apostles but you disturbed and tortured them. He finally
sent His only begotten Son, and when you saw Him you killed him also. What do
you expect Him to do? This explains why Our Lord Jesus Christ gave them a
That a certain king planted a vineyard and hedged it
round about, then digged a wine press in it and built a tower and let it out to
husbandmen to take care of.
When the time of harvest drew near, he sent his
servants to the husbandmen to inspect the vineyard. But the husbandmen drove
them away, beat one up, killed another, and stoned the other. He sent again
other servants more than the first, and the husbandmen did the same things to
them. At last He sent His only begotten son, satisfied that when they see him,
they would reverence and obey him. But when the husbandmen saw him, instead of
fearing him, they said "This is the heir, come let us kill him and let us
seize the inheritance." And they caught him and cast him out of the
vineyard and killed him in order that the vineyard might revert to them.
After giving them the parable, he then asked them when
the Lord of the vineyard, invariably the king would come, what will he do to
those wicked husbandmen? They themselves answered, "He will mercilessly
destroy those wicked husbandmen, and he will let the vineyard to other
husbandmen who would give him fruits at their seasons.
It was there and then that he asked them;" Did
you not read from the Scriptures, the stone which the builders rejected has
become the head of the corner." (Luke 20:9-17). This is
the work of God and it is marvelous in our eyes. And he concludes that the
kingdom will be taken away from them and given to a nation which will bear good
fruits. Brethren, have you heard that? God does not want us to do any other
thing, he only wants us to refrain from sin completely. When you refrain from
sin you have entered the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of love, joy, heaven,
peace, and all the virtues of God.
You come here everyday and shout:
"Halleujah," and yet you still indulge in all acts of sin. Know that
you will not enter, for you sit here and deceive yourself, that all your
problems are solved and that you have peace. That is erroneous because as soon
as you depart from here the problems will start to weigh you down and you begin
to groan with your pain, but when you testified you gave the impression that
you were in heaven. Who did you deceive? If it is announced now that all those
who have problems should come in, all of you will come in because all of you
have problems of various forms.
But when you are enjoined to forsake sin, you will all
keep quiet and begin to frown your faces. But God sworn saying, "Upon my
life all knees shall bow and all tongues will confess me." (Philippians
2:10-11). The first Lesson will now be read.
"She said, No man, Lord, And Jesus said unto her,
Neither do I condemn thee, go, and sin no more."
Brethren, have you heard that? Do you think that when
you sin and confess it to God, and He forgives you that you should continue to
sin? Have you heard what He had added? He says, " neither do I condemn
you, go, and sin no more."
THAN AT FIRST. That is why you argue that when you came into Brotherhood
initially, you were disentangled from your problems but now you experience
difficulties which have multiplied and have also become insurmountable. Examine
yourself, have you not gone back to commit the same sin which you denounced?
Some people were fornicators but when they read "First Step to
God" they refrained from fornication and their problems ended.
After some time they started fornicating again and their problems multiplied.
Some came as necromancers but after reading through "First Step to
God," they forsook their necromancing and burnt their secret and
occult books and their problems ended, and they obtained peace for their souls.
But when they became again entangled with necromancing they started to suffer
with unprecedented gravity.
Our Lord Jesus Christ said if I had not wrought these
wonderful works amonsgt you, you would have been excusble but since I have done
all these things in your midst, you have no excuse. It is said a servant who
knows the will of his Lord and he is not prepared to keep it will be beaten
with many stripes. But a servant who does not know the will of the Lord, but
commit offences worthy of stripes shall be beaten with a few stripes. (Luke
That is why those who are outside and do not know that
fornication, or drinking, or theft, or crying, or funerals, or preparation of
concoction is sinful, when they suffer, they attribute the causes to
witchcraft, or mermaid, or apparition, but in your case, since you have known
that your sufferings are the wages of the sins you committed what will be your
defence? Such sins are referred to as deliberate sins. You know that falsehood,
or theft, or fornication is sin, but you defy all odds and commit these sins.
You have committed these sins deliberately, and what do you think about
yourself, do you love yourself at all?
There is neither witchcraft, nor charms, nor
apparition, nor man, but it is the sin that you plunge yourself into which
death, sickness, poverty, and all the storms of life which afflict the
inhabitants of the world.
SIN AND FOLLOW HIM. Read the scriptures about the two cities of Sodom and
Gomorrah. Why were the cities consumed with fire? Read Isaiah 1: 10-32and
you will find the reason for the setting ablaze of these two cities. God told
them publicly that their sacrifices of unrighteousness were not pleasing in his
sight. "To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me, said
the Lord. I am full of burnt offerings of rams or of he goats. When you pray I
hide my face from you and I will not hear your prayers." And God told
them, "Come now and let us reason together, though your sins as scarlet,
they will be white as snow, though they be red as crimson, they shall be
(white) as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the
land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured with the sword."
As they had refused to become reconciled with God have you not heard what
happened to them? Why did that conflagration descend from heavens and consume
all the inhabitants except Lot and his household? It was because of sin which
you have been advised to refrain from but you bluntly refused.
God has nothing to do with sin. He
has also sworn that upon His life, He will not endure sin. Remember also the
city of Nineveh, God sent Jonah to inform the inhabitants of Nineveh that if
they fail to refrain from their iniqities, they would be struck with
destruction. When the King of Nineveh heard the message he descended from his
throne, rend his royal paraphanelia, put on sack clothes and rolled in dust and
ashes, all the inhabitants fell on dust and wept and put on sack clothes and
showed their penitence. They repented and begged God to forgive their
iniquities. Have you heard that they were ever destroyed? THEY WERE SAVED
the gate of heaven is open for those who repent. IF YOU PERISH IT IS ONLY
Complaints about pains in the waist, in the lower
abdomen, in the eye, lack of money, lack of good health, charms, wet dreams and
and other complaints will be completely exterminated if you only refrain
completely from sin right now. As you continue to sing, dance, and tie the
girdle and sleep here day and night and call on Olumba Olumba Obu and at the
same time you still fornicate and steal and tell lies, and indulge in
preparation of concoction and charms, and begruding people, you are moving from
the frying pan to the fire.
This warfare is that of Amargeddon, have you ever
heard about it? It is a spiritual warfare. What were you told by Our Lord Jesus
Christ? He says at the end of the world the Son of Man will send forth his
angels and shall gather out of His kingdom all things which offend and them
which do iniquity, and they will be set ablaze.
Why do you come in here and do not realise that God
does not require any person to commit sin? What are you taught everyday from
January to December every year? I teach you to refrain from sin. Do you believe
that if you do not forsake sin that you will be able to do any good
refrains from sin, and once he does this then it means he will be able to do
what is good. But a person who does not refrain from sin cannot do what is good
till doomsday. It is said the testimony of two or three persons confirms a fact
and it is true. Some of you think that if you had money, you would have given
YOU MAY BE SAVED AND REDEEMED. Others argue that if they had melodious voices
they would have rendered songs to God. GOD DOES NOT REQUIRE YOUR SONGS BUT HE
from the story of David. He wanted to build a house for God. What did God tell
him? Your hands are soiled with blood, and that his son would build a house for
God, but for him, his money should perish with him.
O friend, upon the love God has for man, yet did he
reject the house. Are you surprised that the millionaires we have in our midst
do not contribute anything and they cannot be seen here? Why is it so? He does
not require such money or much rest. IF YOU DO NOT REPENT WHERE WILL YOU BE? HE
mistresses can sing melodiously outside, but if they are assigned to a duty in
Tell the whole world, the traditional rulers, the
kings and emperors and the handsome and beautiful people, the wise and prudent
and those who call themselves good, the church denominations, that God
instructs that we should refrain from all acts of sin, that worse things may
not beset us. Our Second Bible Lesson will now be read.
"Afterward, Jesus findeth him in the temple and
said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing
come unto thee."
Brethren, have you heard that? Who is the person to
whom he was speaking? What evil befell him by the way? He was a person who was
sick for thirty-eight years and was lying by the pool of Bethesaida, sleepless,
day and night groaning in pain, weeping,and crying. When the angel troubled the
water in the pool, there was no person to put him inside the pool because of
his sins. Ask him if he knew he was suffering the punishment of his sins? Ask
your mother if she knows that her suffering is the result of her sins. Ask your
father, your husband, your wife, your children whether they know that they are
suffering as a result of their sins. Do you know that all your sufferings are
the result of your own sinfulness? Ask the inhabitants of the world, both black
and white if they know that the storms in their lives emanate from the sins
they continue to commit. Ask the thieves whether they are aware that their
suffering and punishments emanate from their thefts. At first thieves used to
be imprisoned but now they have to face firing squads.
Ask those who are now in detention and in prisons and
in hospitals, those who are groaning with pain whether they are aware of the
fact that they are there because of their sins. Until you realise that you
suffer as a result of your sins, and that it is because of your sins that you
suffer, and because of your sins God departs from you AND WHEN GOD DEPARTS FROM
Imagine how God would depart from you, what your
position will be, what will be good with you again? You will be covered with
darkness. It is said when you join up with God you will win in the battle. As
you observe the conditions of things in the world, without God who will save
us? The war referred to is the great war of God which is fought with angels,
and with spirits and with all things that often work abominations. It is not a
simple war at all. It all comes to fighting with all evil things, evil wind,
evil rain, evil sunrise, and all other evil things which do not give glory to
God must be exterminated from the surface of the earth.
What you observe now is the manifestation of the words
Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples that they should allow both the
wheats and the tares grow together until the time of harvest comes. (Matt
13:30). This is the harvest which has already started. Go and tell
your father, and your mother, and brother and sister, and children, and the
government and the church denominations, and the various communities, and any
person you see, both black and white, as well angels that they should depart
from sin, otherwise the punishment which will beset them will be unbearable.
This is only the beginning of sorrows, for all those who persist in committing
You can notice the case of the man who was sick for 38
years, suffering pain and sleeplessness for that period of time, day and night,
but Our Lord Jesus Christ told him, now rise up and take up your bed and go
your way. That statement was parabolic, it was interpreted to mean that his
sins were forgiven him. The duty today is to forgive your sins, you are told to
go and sin no more. It means that your sins are forgiven you. The implication
of this statement is that you should sin no more lest a worse condition befall
This is the judgement you have been hearing about.
Many people think that fasting means bestowal of power. It is rather judgement
because the moment you offend, you are told go, all is well with you. Once this
is said, you are forgiven but the injunction is that you should commit no more
sin, lest a worse condition should beset you. If you go back to commit sins
then pray fervently for yourself.
Our Lord Jesus Christ did not use anything but it was
the power of forgiveness, for, being God whoever went to Him with a penitent
heart, was forgiven by Him. Mary Magdalene went to Him and wept bitterly,
realizing her sins and Our Lord Jesus Christ said to her, "Go your way,
your sins are forgiven you." And she was forgiven. Once your sins are
forgiven, you are discharged and acquitted and there is nothing more important
than being forgiven of your sins. And no person on earth can forgive your sins.
It is a pitiful situation for someone to run to the
hospital after committing sin. What can the hospital do for him? You have been
administered with injections, you have been massaged, you have undergone
surgical operations, you have even had D&C more often than not. This is not
a problem of medical treatment. I want to open your eyes and let the scales
fall off your eyes tonight, that no person exists who can take away your sins
and iniquites except Our Lord Jesus Christ alone. It is only His prayers which
can work miracles, without Him whatever you do amounts to a waste of time.
There is no other man who can pray for forgiveness for any person except Our
Lord Jesus Christ, because He alone is righteous, because He is the mediator of
the New Covenant. He is the Advocate and Solicitor for all those who wish to
Today however, the world does not want him, neither
does it love him. It rather loves the preparation of concoctions, and idols,
and mermaids, and apparition and other vain things. Tell me, therefore, from
where can they get salvation? Consider, if because of the sin he committed, the
young man suffered for thirty eight years, but Our Lord Jesus Christ told him,
you are now cleansed, sin no more, lest a worse situation befall you, if he
sinned again, what do you think will happen to him? How unbearable will his
punishment be? Whenever you come here, you confess that you have sinned and you
are told that your sins are forgiven you but when you go out, you start again
to steal and fornicate. Can you not consider that worst conditions will beset
you? Or whether you are not aware that when you commit a similar sin the second
time the gravity of your punishment will be more serious than the one at first.
Go home and advise yourselves, your children, your
relations, your father, your mother, your brethren, the chuch denominations,
the principalities, the pillars of governments, whoever you come across, with
this gospel. This gospel will be written and circulated to all parts of the
world. This is the last time God intents to take away all sins from the
world. All those who sin, whether they are men, women, or angels, or animals
will be wipped away and the world will be inhabited by the children of God who
do what is good.
Do not regard the long patience of God as nothing. The
Lord of course is not slack concerning his promises but is longsuffering
towards us, because he wants us to repent. He does not wish that we should
Tomorrow you will complain that you are a staunch
Brotherhood, who puts on white garments and worship God day and night, and why
should you suffer untold afflictions. The question is have you refrained from
sin as you were instructed? Things are better with a man who has sinned for a
hundred years and on his one hundredth year, he refrains from sin, than a
person who refrained from sin for one hundred years and on the one hundredth
year he becomes again entangled in sin. Know this that God is no respecter of
persons, and He has no communion with anything sinful. Whoever commits sin has
no communion with God, and God has no communion with him. All those who commit
sin have hell as their duty. God is no respecter of any person, whether you are
a man or a woman, a child, or an adult, or a millionaire, your station in life
not withstanding, the moment you commit any act of sin, you have to suffer for
Have you heard his injunction? He says, my little
children, I write these things unto you that you should not sin. And if any man
sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He
is the propitiation for our sins. The only medicine which cures drunkeness is
to stop drinking. If you no more drink, you will not be intoxicated, you will
not suffer as a drunkard, you will not become mad because of drinking. But if
you continue to drink you will run mad, fall down and bruise your face and
body, people will beat you up and tear your dresses. The only cure for this
punishment is to refrain from sins and vices. This night, Our Lord Jesus Christ
is calling all the inhabitants of the world to come and reason with Him, for
though their sins may be as scarlet, he will make them white as snow, though
they may be red as crimson, he will make them white as wool. You only have to
come and make peace with him and become reconciled with God, and He will
forgive you your sins.
This explains why there is no use in going to the
hospital, or initiating into any secret society or to any other place, because
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only Savior and when you confess your sins and
repent, and you refrain from sins, all your sins are forgiven you.
That is why He says, "Was it not written that my
Father's house shall be the prayer house of all nations? The implication is
this that when you come here (into the house of God) you refrain from sins,
repent, and confess your sins. The eyes of the host are watching you, searching
your hearts and reins, and interviewing you inividually; and, as long as you do
not refrain from sin, your regular attendance here is but a waste of time. It
is very grievious for somebody to laugh here and tell lies, and steal, and fornicate
and fight, cause confusion, and exalt oneself, and walk in and out conversing.
Such a person is to be pitied. It is also a pathetic situation to find people
coming here and asking God for children, and money, and a cure for an illness,
to make you pass examination and to do one thing or the other for you. IS THAT
FROM SIN? What useful purpose does it serve for an evil man to pass an
examination? What useful purpose does it serve for an evil person to have
children or for him to have money or for him to live for a thousand years? What
benefit are these to the Almighty God? They are meaningless to Him. THE ONLY
how great is the joy in heaven if one sinner repents. (Luke 15:7). This
is indicative of the fact that abstinence from sin is the only thing
loved by God. Brethren, I do not wish to take you further than this,
the Golden Text will now be read because it is said that the testimonies of two
or three persons confirm a fact. (John 8:17)
"My little children, these things write I unto
you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father,
Jesus Christ the righteous."
Brethren, have you heard that? And can you notice why,
when you come here I ask you whether you are annoyed? Or whether you have
envied anybody, have you begrudged anybody? When you say you are not annoyed,
the blood of Christ will pass you by, but if you say you are angry and that you
begrudge somebody, then the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ will wash you of
your sins but you should sin no more lest a worse condition should befall you.
He is the only righteous person who can make peace and
intercession for us and it is His blood alone which saves us and redeems all
mankind. All those who arrogate to themselves the position of Pope,
Bishop, and what have you, and others who claim they belong to secret societies
are deceiving themselves, they are not known at all. Others also who claim they
are Muslims, or Hinduists, or Judaist, or Buddhists are also not known. It is
only Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Sole Savior of the entire world.
What is the most significant is for God to forgive us our
sins. Which means when your sins are forgiven you will not go to judgement and
you will be relieved of your burdens. All the punishements we suffer emanate
also said that those who do not believe will be damned. For such there will be
no salvation, no matter their stations in life. Whether they are kings or
emperors, millionaires or lawyers, professors or money magnates, pope or
bishops, such persons stand condemned.
Those of you who have been baptised and have put on
Christ, there is no condemnation for you. This is because it is what he
promised when He said, "Repent and be baptised each and every one of you,
in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you
will receive the Holy Ghost as a gift. For the promise is for you, and for your
children and for your children's children, and for all those who are afar off,
even as many as the Lord Our God shall call. (Acts 2:38-39). Can
you not observe the manifestation of that promise in this generation?
Notice the kingdom bestowed unto us gratis. This week
was set aside and we ought to rejoice wih all our stenghth because we are not
condemned and the sword that is drawn is not for us, but for those who do not
obey the Scriptures. But you have accepted Him. Your work therefore now consist
in "LOVING ONE ANOTHER." All of us have passed from death into life
because we love the Brethren. Whosoever does not love abides in death. (1
John 3:14). Can you not realise why we should rejoice? Whether you are
rich or poor, your soul is rejoicing, your spirit is rejoicing because you have
passed from death unto life. Tell the rest of the world that Our Lord Jesus
Christ is waiting for them, for the die is cast, and so this is the time for
peace, and the time for mercy, that they should come and be saved, while there
is day light, for when the night comes there will be no salvation. He said come
unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matt
11:28). Observe his love when he said I write to you my little
children that you sin no more. But if there is any of you who commit sin, we
have an advocote with the Father, who is invariably Our Lord Jesus Christ. It
is not your prayers which save you but His prayers save all because he makes
intercession for us when we commit sin. He prayed the Father to forgive us for
we know not what we do. It is said since we do not know what we should pray for
the spirit itself makes intercession for us and he heals our infirmities, and
not for us alone, but for all the inhabitants of the world. Tell any person who
commits any act of sin, to go to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let them repent and
refrain from sin that they may be saved.
Here neither candle nor incense nor extracting of
charms from people bodies nor collecting money and other things which people
esteem are practised here. Where ever there is Brotherhood or Brotherhood
bethel or healing home which does not preach that people should refrain from
sin, get out from such a place for it is not Brotherhood. If someone tells you
that you are worried by mermaid or witches, get out among them. It is sin which
you commit that worries you. Where ever you go to and you are asked whether you
have refrained from sin, whether you are angry, whether you fornicate, whether
you tell lies, and that you should repent and confess your sins because Our
Lord Jesus Christ is there and once you take the instructions, you are saved.
If somebody comes to tell you he has never committed any sin, tell him to go,
do not pray for him. Anybody who demands your prayer but claims he is not
sinful, do not pray for such a person. Our Lord Jesus Christ says whosoever is
ashamed of me on earth, I shall be ashamed of him before my Father and the
The advice given to the person who was sick for
thirty-eight years is for you today that now that you are clean, sin no more,
less a worse thing come unto you. It is not proper that any person who has been
baptised and has put on Christ should go back to entangle themselves in sin
May God bless His Holy Words. AMEN.
By: Nsisong Eyo on 11/25/2017 04:13:00 am / comment : 0 Father's Sermon
First Bible Lesson: John 11:41-42
"Then they took away the stone
"Then they took away the stone from the
place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and
said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people
which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me."
Second Bible Lesson: 1 Corinthians 10:9
"Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted,
and were destroyed of serpents."
Golden Text: Matthew 6:7-8
"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen
do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what
things ye have need of, before ye ask him."
This is a zero that the world has scored. A very great mistake
that is in the world. I have never revealed this to you. But because of the
Father's love for you I am going to reveal this mistake committed by the
inhabitants of the world this morning to you. You should listen attentively.
When I have been telling you that you should not request anything from the
hands of God you refuse to heed this advice. But today we are all neck deep in
the gospel of this morning. Do you know that when you request something from God, that is an
act of gross insult on Him? You have heard the second lesson
that ye should not tempt the Lord as they tempted and were destroyed of the
serpent. When I advise you that you should not request anything from God you
refuse to do so. God is the one who created everything, and He owns you and
therefore, He knows those things you require in life. You have seen the pattern
of our Lord Jesus Christ's prayer to his Father. (Matt
6:9-13). In everything we should give thanks to Him. What are
you going to request from Him?
Tempt God No More By Way Of Request
It is said that the reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom.(Ps 111:10).
If you have the fear of God you will not request anything from Him. What can
you request from Him? Do you even know what is good or what is bad?
You should not request anything from Him. Because it is the height
of insult as some requested of Him and therefore tempted God and were destroyed
of the serpent. (Num 21:5-6/1 Cor 10:9).
When you say, "O! God give me money, give me children; give
me this or that," fire will come and consume you. O! God give me children,
make me to pass my exams, do this for me, or do that for me. It is a height of
insult and you have tempted God. Can you advise Him? What does He not know? For
if you request something from Him and He failed to do same to you, it means you
would be annoyed. And if He does it for you then He becomes your servant.
Therefore because of this we err. Even as the Bible says search the scriptures
and see whether you have eternal life. Every day you come here. But the next
moment you will stand up to commit the same error. Even as we are here somebody
may come out and pray saying, "O! God bestow power unto us, give us this
or give us that". You do not know that that is an act of temptation to
I have pleaded with you time without number that you should not
request anything from the hands of God, yet you are neck deep in imposing
temptation on God. Anybody who opens his mouth to request anything from God is
tempting, and that child is a child of perdition.
They That Request Are Children Of Perdition
You have heard what the scriptures have told us that you should
not be like them. Because they in their own estimation believed that God's
hearing of somebody's prayer results from speaking much. Before you
stand up to pray, God knows what is in you. At all times therefore, we should
give thanks to God. If it pleases Him, He will bestow that thing to you, if it
does not please Him, He will not do so. What makes this
injunction to be from the path of rectitude? From our First Father (Adam) and
First Mother (Eve) till today man had completely gone away from the injunctions
of God. If you request anything from God this in effect is the height of
insult; and if you have a child even in the secular arrangement that will come
to you and say "O! Father make me go to the University, give me this, give
me that." Can such a child be regarded as a good child? Has the gospel of
today not proven to you that if the Father does not teach you, you will not be
able to know? God alone is the one that teaches man. There is no other teacher
unto mankind. All this time did we know that requesting
something from the hands of God is temptation? Did you come to this
understanding? All persons who request things from God are the children of
perdition and they shall come to their wits' end.
God's Plan Remains Unchangeable
As a supernatural teacher I have arranged this gospel in a
chronological sequence. I first put out how Christ who is the mediator of the
new covenant behaved in the first lesson. Then I follow that lesson with the
repercussions that will come to whosoever request anything from God; as they
tempted God and were destroyed of the serpent. And the pattern that He left
should be our own ways of life. God is not blind neither is He so hard hearted.
He is all knowing. Before you stand up to say anything He knows what is in you.
And I do know that those who continue in this act are the greedy ones; they are
always longing for the wealth of this world. Anybody who comes to Brotherhood
to worship God cannot continue in such acts. You cannot change the arrangement
of God. When God had arranged His things in their shipshape order no man can
rearrange them. No prayer can change the arrangement of God.
Everything Works According To Plan
For somebody to argue that he offered prayers to God to give him
money, and after sometime God bestows money to him, it is not true. What came
in effect was the fact that his request for money synchronized with the very time God has kept
for him to have money. God has kept everything in their
ship-shape order even before the foundations of the world were laid.
Consider Job as a case in point. When that great mishap befell Job
what did he do? (Job 1:21). All his children died. His male
servants and maid servants died also. His livestock also perished. Everything
that he had in life had gone away. When you read the book of Job Chapter one;
you will come by the prayer that he offered. That: "O! God thank you for
thou giveth and thou also taketh."
"Naked did I come into the world and naked will I return;
thou has never done anything wrong." You can see this as a clear example
of faith in God. And it is for this reason our Lord Jesus Christ asked:
"When the son of man shall come shall he see faith in the world?" (Luke 18:8).
What he requests from man is nothing but faith, just to have that implicit
belief in Him. If we believe fervently in God we would realize that whatever
happens to us is at the mercy of God. And therefore in all situations you shall
continue to bestow thanks unto Him. For God knows no variableness in His
Your Problems Emanate From Making Request Unto God
Your duty, my duty, and our duty is that of giving thanks to God
at all times and everything that he does for us. What are we going to request
from his hands. All the suffering that beset us, they come out of our placing
request before God. We can see this in the book of Jude 14-16: "And
Enoch also the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord
cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgement upon all, and to
convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they
have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners
have spoken against him. These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their
own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons
in admiration because of advantage." When you request anything from God, God
will send down his angels. They will come to you with canes, with swords, and
with fire. When you stand up to say, "O! God, give me children, I want a
black child, I want a fair-in-complexion child;" they will come and cut
off your mouth. Now do you want to argue that things have taken a turn for the
worse in our lives? Things are better for the inhabitants of the world today
than any other time since God created man.
Nigeria: The Past And The Present
Now that you are shouting at the top of your voices that things
are so deplorable in Nigeria, the question is: Does it mean that things were
better with Nigeria when Nigeria was under the colonial masters, and we were
slaves unto the colonial rule? I want an answer to this question. Today you are
free; you have your own money; you bring out your own ideas. Can anyone say
that the situation now is worse than before? It cannot be. Rather we are seeing
better turns in this era. In the past if you want to attend a University there
was none in Nigeria, and you had to make out for the white man's land; you must
go overseas to go and pass through the four walls of a University. But today
the reverse is the case and there are Universities all over Nigeria.
There is proliferation of Universities throughout Nigeria. Can you
now say that things are worse than before? In the past we had only one Governor
General for the whole Country (Nigeria). But today how many Governors do we
have? We have twenty-one (21) Governors. And can we say that this is worse than
before? We continue to request from God because of our lusts and affections. We
should be thankful unto Him for the glory He has brought unto mankind. Do we
even have the hope that the Holy Spirit will manifest in the world in this last
era? We did not expect this. You say: "O! things are so bad with us."
But don't forget that today we mint our own money (currency); we assemble our
own cars; and we even manufacture our own textiles. But hitherto we were slaves
unto the colonial master. Can we say that these new developments are good or
bad for us? Look at the multiplicity of roads all over the country. We have
development of important cities everywhere; houses and other infrastructures
have also been provided. Tell me, which is bad with you?
Now all the illiterates are now literate. Those places that were
inaccessible are now 'motorable'; and to crown it all we have a federal capital
territory (F.C.T.), Abuja. Hitherto we were strangers in somebody's corridor.
But today we have a place of our own where billions of Naira have already been
sunk into developing that area. Can we now argue that these are signs of good
or bad achievements?
In the past the whites dominated everything and they manipulated
all positions. They were the pilots, they were the heads of different
governmental departments. Everything was done under the auspices of the whites.
But today the reverse is the case. We have our pilots. We nurse our independent
thoughts. We do everything on our own. What then do we say is bad with us
today? In the past religion only came to the black world from the white man's
land. The whites were those who introduced Christianity to the blacks. Any
church denominations which had no headquarters abroad had no recognition. But
today the reverse is the case. The blacks are now evangelizing the whites.
Therefore, each and everyone of us should rest and continue to give thanks to
the Almighty God for all the good things He has bestowed upon us. Before, when
we requested for independence nobody would lend ears to us. Even till today
many are still agitating for Colonial rule; that we should still be lorded over
by the whites. They want to be fed by the whites. Don't you know that when you
are an infant, a period where you are being spoon-fed by your parent, you are
still at your infancy, you are a minor. But when you start to struggle on your
own; you begin to argue that things are difficult. It is not so. Rather you are
growing at that stage. Therefore we should continue to be thankful unto God.
Brethren we shall not take you further than this. Our first lesson will now be
read, and you should listen attentively to the pattern of prayer as offered by
our Lord Jesus Christ. The same must we use to lead the way. We should not request
anything from God. Allow God to place His own things in their shipshape order.
First Bible Lesson: John 11:41-42
"Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead
was laid. And Jesus lifted up His eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou
hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always; but because of the
people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent
Emulate Our Lord Jesus Christ
Can you realize what is called faith? Can you also see what is
called the reverence of God? If you were the one in this situation you would
have made so much noise over the matter. But here our Lord Jesus Christ was
merely giving thanks to his Father. If you were the one concerned in this
matter you would have prayed and called on God to come down and destroy Satan,
or to come and drive away Lucifer, or break down the stones. You would have
prayed so hard and for so long and made much noise. But have you realized what
our Lord Jesus Christ did?
Many say that they want to come and have audience with God; they
want to discuss with him, or exchange letters with him. And I pity you because
in all your past lives you have been having encounters with Satan; you have
been transacting your business with Lucifer. Right from Adam until now nobody
has known the exact deity of God. Therefore, you are doing things the way you
The Mother Of Zebedee's Two Children Made Her Request
Remember the time when the Mother of the two sons of Zebedee went
to our Lord Jesus Christ to make a request before Him. Matt
20:20-23). She went to him and said she had a request to place
before him. Our Lord Jesus Christ asked her to go ahead with her request. And
she said: O! Master pronounce that in the kingdom of your Father one of the two
children of Zebedee should be placed on your right and the other on your left.
He told them that they knew not what they were requesting. He asked them if
they can taste of the cup that He would drink of. They said yes. And he said it
is true that they could indeed drink of the cup that he drank. And He asked
them again whether they could be baptized with the same baptism that He is
baptized? They said yes. He said, it is true they could receive the same
baptism with which he is baptized. But placing one of them on His right and the
other on His left is not of himself to give. But it has been set aside by his
Father unto those who have been predestined to be there. And I ask: Have your
prayers done any good thing for you? You are quarrelling, you are fighting, you
are infuriated, do you derive any good from all these acts? Have your worries
done any good thing for you?
Continue In Thanksgiving Unto God
It is for this reason that many people do argue that God is no
longer in existence. And such a person will begin to murmur "upon all the
prayers I have offered, all the fasting I have observed, yet my prayers are
unanswered." And I ask: "can God Himself not fast?"
At no point in time had the inhabitants of the world pleased God.
And since you have come to realize this new world (the New Kingdom of God),
therefore in all things you have to give thanks to God over everything he gives
to you. Your prayers will avail you nothing. God knows no variableness in the
things that he creates. He has never done anything out of His predestinated ways. You
can still thank Him for the life He gives to you. You can thank Him for the
good health he bestows unto you. You are at liberty to thank Him continuously
for all the good things he has given to you. You cannot request anything from
him. Upon all the good things God has done for mankind, are you tired of giving
him thanks?
A Reverend Gentleman Who Thanked God At Every Situation Of His Life
I had given you an illustration concerning a certain community.
They had a high mortality rate. Because of the high mortality rate amongst the
citizens of that community they decided that a member of the community should
be sent to be a Minister of God, so that when he came back and offered prayers
people would no more go on transition (die). So when he returned from his
studies as a minister of God the inhabitants of that community unilaterally
shouted, O! Mr. death you have reached your wits end! But the following day
somebody died. And they shouted for joy that the minister will cause that
person to resurrect. Some people suggested that a grave should be dug for
internment, others argued that they should not make the grave. After all, this
wonderful minister is very much around. He will pray and this dead man will
come back to life. He (the minister) was summoned, and reaching the place, he
prayed: "O! Father thank you for what you have done, for if this did not
happen a worse thing could have befallen us." And because of this all of
them were annoyed. And that was not the end of the matter. All of them
dispersed but they still maintained that maybe because that person was not a
very prominent member of the community this minister was yet to start his work.
The following day a very prominent man of that community passed away and all
the inhabitants of that community chorused in one voice that this day the
minister is going to prove what he was taught in the seminary. And when they
had arranged everything they sent for the minister and he came and prayed:
"O! Father thank you for what has happened because if this did not happen
a worse thing would have happened. O! God take the soul unto Yourself."
And he went his way. The people argued among themselves that maybe the first
son of the king has not yet passed away that is why he cannot perform his
The following day the first son of the king died. And they said:
if this minister will not cause the king's son to resurrect we shall know that
he did not learn anything while in the seminary. And he was sent for; and he
went, and prayed accordingly as he has been doing before." O! God thank
you, for if this had not happened a worst thing would have come. Take his soul
unto Yourself." The king was so infuriated because he contributed the
greater part of the total amount that gave him the scholarship to the seminary.
Because of that he went and hired four persons to assassinate the minister of
God so that the money may be completely lost. He (the clergyman) has been going
on preaching and therefore, on Sunday like this he was still preaching when
these assassins ambushed along a certain road where there was a hillock. They
expected him to pass through that road and they intended that when he came down
the hill he could be killed. When the minister got to that road and on reaching
the top of the hill the brakes of his motorcycle failed and so he was
screeching down the hill at top speed until he collided with something that
halted him.
The hired assassins who were monitoring him from their hideouts
thought he was dead. These assassins were four and after the crash two of them
came out and asked: "Reverend, what has happened to you?" And he told
them, "if this accident did not occur a worse thing than this would have
befallen him." And the two assassins looked at each other agape. One asked
the other if he did tell him about their plans? He said no. They had to whistle
for the other two to come out and when they came out of their hideout they
asked him? Reverend, what has happened to you? And he answered and said: If
this had not happened worse things would have happened. These two assassins
asked the other ones who were hired to do the job: "Did you tell the
Reverend anything about this deal?" And they said, "no." How did
he realize that a worse thing would have happened? The four of them were those
who helped the Reverend back home because he sustained serious injuries. The
king sent for the minister and he was brought to the king. He asked him: What
has befallen you? He told the king that he gave thanks to God because if the
mishap did not occur to him a greater and worse thing would have befallen him.
The king was surprised and struck with fear. And he thought within himself:
these boys I hired to terminate his life have disgraced me by making the plans
known to him. He called them and inquired: Did you make this known to the
Reverend? They said no but that he has been making this statement all along. He
was shocked and he spoke out that truly this Reverend gentleman has really been
taught as a minister of God. He sent for all the community members, he
assembled them and made an open confession that he indeed was the one that
hired these assassins to terminate his life. And if the accident had not
occurred they would have assassinated him. What is the need for us to request
things from God? God knew that except that accident should occur the life of
that minister would be terminated. That is why he made the accident to occur in
order to take away the assassination upon his life. He (the king) then prayed
the inhabitants of the community to believe fervently in the minister. That
from all indications the minister was a well trained one. Because if that had
not happened a worse thing would have befallen him.
This is a lesson unto all of you to realize that everything that
happens to you from day to day, if those things had not occurred, worse things
would have befallen you. When we come to this realization we will not worry
Take No Thought For The Morrow
What says verse thirty-four of that text? It says: take no thought
for the morrow: for the morrow will take thought of itself. Sufficient unto the
day is the evil thereof. (Matt 6:34). Therefore, from now till
eternity we should not request anything from the hands of God because God knows
all that we require in life. And the gospel of this day is an
eye-opener. Scales have fallen off our eyes and we have realized ourselves more
than before. This is the kingdom of God and you have been called into this
kingdom gratis. Remember the statement made by Prophet Simeon when the young
child was brought before him. He said: "O! God, let your servant depart in
peace for my eyes have seen thy salvation."(Luke 2:29-32).
But you stand here even in this heaven to request things from the hands of God.
And when I look at you I feel so sorry for you because you do not know exactly
where you are? What do you want to request from the hands of God? See our
Brethren who have come in from London, America, and other parts of the world.
God Loves Africa
They give one testimony that those of us in this part of the world
are very lucky. They have spent huge sums of money to transport themselves
here. If you were there, would you have money to pay your fare down here? If it
was to be passed on to voting that the word of God should leave Nigeria, or
even Africa, for the white man's land, who would have given the blacks a
mandate to do so? If a world conference was convened of all the inhabitants of
the world to decide where the word of God should be published and be spread to
other parts of the world, who would have cast his or her vote for Africa? It
would have rested in London or in America. Because a popular agreement would
have been put up that Africans be left alone for they are already down and are
condemned. Are you the person who asked God to do this?
The New Covenant Is The Root Of Your Salvation
Therefore, we should not disturb ourselves again concerning the
way God does His things. Because He has placed everything in their
ship-shape order. You should not request God to do this or do that because he
knows everything and had already arranged His things in their correct
positions. Since you came to the kingdom have you ever seen me praying God to
do this or that for me? At all times I am always bent on giving thanks to the
Father for what He has done. For He knows no variableness in the things that He
creates. What has saved you is that portion of the Bible which says: This is the
new covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days: I will
write my laws in their hearts, neighbor shall not teach neighbor or brother
shall not teach a brother saying know ye the Lord: for all shall know me from
the least to the greatest since I will be merciful unto their unrighteousness
and their sins and iniquities shall I remember no more. (Heb 8:10-12). Now
have the scales fallen off your eyes to understand that for somebody to request
from God is the height of temptation? Even for a child to request something
from you, for any person to come and request anything from you it is temptation
unto you. Even we ourselves we have been confessing this. When somebody
requests anything from you, you shout: O! What sort of temptation is this?
Maybe you were taken by surprise and that was your last card; and when you give
it out you may not have any other one. Yet if you fail to grant the person's
request, that person will say you are not a child of God.
You Have Been Refurbished
It is said in the Bible, "if we were to search ourselves God
would not have judged us. But when he judges us he chastises us so that he may
not condemn us with the people of the world."(1 Cor 11:31-32).
You have seen the love of God unto us this 2nd day of April 1989. He has
brought out this knot that has been taken out from us and has shown it unto us.
The thing that has constituted problems unto us and even our downfall in life
had been registered upon this very loosing knot. Be very happy and rejoice
immensely; because many had gone on fasting but they did not realize this truth.
Many a time when you stand in here to cause that confusion, you
continue to place requests before God. You will be making extra noise when you
place this request. When you talk and talk you reaffirm your request, and I
will look at you with pitiful eyes. Therefore, Brethren, blindness is a very
bad disease. You do not know that when you make this extra noise and movements
to confirm your request you are moving out from the path of rectitude.
Man Is Led To The Accurate Wisdom Of Truth By God Himself
You can then realize that when I give you the answer I accompany
it with the remedy. I first showed you the pattern of the prayer you should
offer, and the repercussions that will come to you if you place requests before
God. Our text is based on what we should do to cross over this effect.
Therefore, whosoever that shall perish, his blood shall be upon him. Since God
created man this is the first time that God is spending so much time (in the
morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and from dawn to dusk) teaching man
one lesson after the other, revealing to man his own nature.
Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself did not do this because He spent three and half
years and during this short period He spoke only in parables; and, without
using parables He did not speak, because He knew He had a mission. (Matt
13:34/Mark 4:34) That is why He said: "When that
Comforter shall come he shall lead you to the accurate knowledge of the
truth." (John 16:13). He (Christ) did not lead mankind
that time to the accurate knowledge of this truth. The knowledge
that I have given you here did Abraham receive of this? Was it given to Elijah?
Moses, Abraham, Noah, Aaron and the rest of them did not have this knowledge.
There has never been any point in time that any man was blessed with this
knowledge. But see how it is being given out to you in B.C.S. Today this secret
wisdom of God is given out to you gratis. That is why I
continue to tell you that in this kingdom you need not pray. Have you ever met
me placing requests or praying that the rain should not fall? Or that the sun
should not shine? At all times I am committed to giving thanks to the Father.
This is what I have been doing. He saves us free.
This Is The Kingdom Which Nebuchadnezzar Had A Revelation Of
For he had made that covenant when he said: This is the covenant
that I will make with the house of Israel after those days: I will write my
laws in their hearts; neighbor shall not teach neighbor or brother shall not
teach his brother saying know ye the Lord; for all shall know me from the least
to the greatest; since I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their
sins and iniquities I will remember no more.(Heb 8:10-12). He
made this covenant with himself. And today has this covenant not been made
manifest upon this world? This is the long expected kingdom of God that had
been revealed to King Nebuchadnezzar and also interpreted by Daniel.(Dan 2:1-47).
There is no other teacher excepting this. You have seen how I
always arrange my teachings in their correct sequence, as if we are proving
theorems in Algebra or Geometry. But in your own case you preach at random, you
pick here you pick there without a correct sequence. Angels are doing their
work. We should now hear the second lesson to show to you the repercussions
unto those that place requests before God. Anybody that places requests before
God is tempting God and the angels must bring that person to meet his doom.
Second Bible Lesson: 1 Corinthians 10:9
"Neither let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted,
and were destroyed of serpents."
No Person Believed That God Could Save Humanity; Hence Man's Quest
For Diabology
Have you heard that? Can you now realize where tribulations and
difficulties come out unto you? If not for God's mercy or if this was to happen
in the former generation, and if God had not forgiven man of his sins, what
would have befallen you for placing requests before God would have been great. Apart from
Brotherhood, where He is now personified, did you know that God has been
serving man? Did you come to the understanding hitherto that
God is able to discharge and acquit somebody from a court case, or that God is
able to bestow money to somebody, or that God can bless somebody with children
and other things? You did not know this. You only believed in that slogan:
God helps those who help themselves. You will enter the church building with
the rings, and amulets, or concoctions and everything tied around your waist,
and sometimes you leave the church to go and meet a native doctor. But today what
has happened? The reverse is the case because now when you knock your head on
the ground you receive goodness; when you kneel down you receive peace. He
has placed his own things in their correct positions unto the children of the
Kingdom. Those of you who were here yesterday you must have heard of the gospel
that was given concerning His promise unto mankind. He (God) has kept His
things in their proper positions. All that we have to do is to give thanks to
Him; and sing and dance and show all forms or merriment. If we do any other
thing outside these conditions then it means we are seeking for trouble.
The Pharisee And The Publican
You will remember when the pharisee and the publican went on the
mount to offer prayers. The pharisee prayed saying, O! God I have been fasting
two times a week and paying my tithe to God regularly, I am not like that
abominable publican over there. (Luke 18:9-14).But the publican could not raise
his eyes unto heaven. But bending down he prayed and said: God have mercy upon
me a woeful sinner. And we are made to understand that God answered the prayer
of the publican. When you come in here and continue to pray: O! God I am a
sinner, I have told lies, I have committed fornication, I have done this or
that, does it mean that God does not know we have committed these sins? He
lives in you and knows everything about you. What He requires from us is to be
truly repentant. Once we acknowledge our sinful nature all will
be well with us because God knows that mankind suffers from human frailty.
I Stayed For 27 Years Without Praying
All those who are fond of rendering long prayers; are woeful
persons; and they are abominable persons. For twenty seven (27) years of my
life I never offered a line of prayer. Like somebody will say: O! my Father who
art in heaven. For twenty-seven (27) good years I did not pray. Does it mean
that prayers is not good for man? It is only the woeful sinners and abominable fellows who are
given to offering long prayers.
What else do you want to do? He is in our midst. He owns both
heaven and earth. He has already completed His work and He has arranged His own
things in their proper positions. What else are you going to request from Him? All that you
have to do is to give Him thanks by loving one another. You do
not have any specific assignment to discharge in this kingdom.
After the Creation Process God Said Everything Was Good
Go to the book of Genesis, chapter one. The first day He created
all that was to be created that first day and said in the end that all was good.
The second day after the creation process of that day he still blessed the day.
And so He continued blessing each day of His creation even till today.
Therefore there is nothing from God that is evil. All that emanates from Him is
good. And therefore His goodness is universally distributed to all men.
Therefore when you see somebody given to offering prayers do not regard him as
somebody who loves God so much. Rather those who offer prayers are those who
are very greedy, those who are trying to tempt God.
If God gives you food you should place the food before you and
give thanks to Him: O! God thank You for this food You have given me, when I eat it
let it be good to my body and soul. In everything we should
always give thanks to Him, if it is His will He will do the same, if it is not
His will He will not do so. And there is no difficulty at all in either case.
David Prayed For The Recovery Of His Sick Child But God Did Not
Answer His Prayers
David, was anxious over that first child delivered by the wife of
that army officer. The child fell into serious sickness. David fasted and
rolled on the ground praying to God to heal the child because he loved the
woman so dearly, and passed this love unto the child that God should save the
life of the young child. Every person noticed David's sympathy for the sick
child; so they themselves joined in praying to God that something disastrous
might not befall this little child because if the child should die our father
David would also go on transition. But unfortunately that child died. Out of
fear they could not make this known to David but he was very anxious to know
about the condition of the child. He asked:"Is the child dead?" They
said: "no, he is not dead." But he was doubting how things have gone
so bad in the compound. Because they had considered the condition of David even
when that child was sick but still breathing how he was shivering. Now that the
child has passed away; should they make this known to David, he will faint. And
so they hid this from him but later they could not help but to tell David the
whole story. And David requested for water. He had a good bath, took the best
of his wrappers, adorned himself as a young man and requested for food to be
served to him. People were so astonished over his reaction. And he told them he
must behave that way because he had cried, wailed, mourned and rolled on the
ground when the child was sick because he wanted God to have mercy and heal
that child. But after all that was spent the sickness could not heal, and now
that the child has died, what else could he do? Is there anyone amongst you who
has not had an encounter with God?
Do Not Resist The Will Of God Any Longer
That is why the scriptures says that you always continue to resist
the will of God. At all times you are prone to resisting God, even as your
forefathers had done. Those of you who are not circumcised at your hearts
and ears are always resisting the Holy Spirit even as your fathers did.
What do you want to request from Him? He is the creator. He owns the heavens.
He owns the earth and the fullness thereof. He is in our midst. And has already
arranged His own things according to plan. You do not have anything to
request from Him than to always give thanks to Him in whatsoever you find
yourself doing.
Do you think that if God was to be human He would have lived till
today? And do you think that if He had hearkened unto my prayers He would still
maintain that position as God? And even that which you are requesting from God
if God were to bestow all your requests to you will you be able to carry the
load of your requests granted to you? Your situation is deeply pathetic before
the Lord. But we thank the Father because He is an all wise God. His wisdom
transcends all planes of manifest. And He knows that we are fools that is why
at all times He does not depart from us an inch. But look at what is happening
now in Brotherhood, if a vision was given to a member of Brotherhood in Akwa
Ibom State that the Holy Father has granted a Pentecostal Centre to them would
you not tell that person to shut up his mouth and stop giving fake visions,
that all of you are coming to Calabar? If somebody has prophesied that Akamkpa
and the rest of these local government areas in Cross River State will be
granted Pentecostal Centres would you have believed? Did you even see this in
your dreams? Did visioners tell you this? But now that these Pentecostal
Centres have been created for all of you does it mean that it is done out of
your own worthiness, or that you requested this from God, or because of your
God Does Not Destroy. It Is The Angels Who Cause Destruction To
Therefore, you should not request anything again from God. He is
the all wise God. He is our Father. He is a kind and loving Father. His grace
is sufficient unto all. And He knows all that we need in life. We should not
request anything from Him so that we may live peaceably one unto another with
Him. Because He is not the one that punishes us per se; but the angels of God
taking charge of matters are those coming to chastise us. Anybody
who requests anything from God, the angels will go to such a person and torment
him. You have heard even the text of this day: "and were destroyed of the
serpent."(Num 21:5/1 Cor 10:9). The serpent was used for
the destruction of all those who tempted Him.
At times the destroyer will be used to destroy mankind.
At other times fire, rain and the rage of angels will be used to
destroy man. It is not God who is performing all those destructions. It is said
that if we were to search ourselves God would not judge us but when He judges
us He chastises us that we may not be condemned with the people of the world.(1 Cor
Christ Is The Mouthpiece Of God
When I tell you that you should not place any request before God,
you continue to argue. Why? It was sickness that brought me to Brotherhood, or
my aged mother at home is suffering from one kind of an infirmity, and I want
God to heal me and heal her too. Does it mean by so doing you did not come in
here to worship God? In (1 John 2:1) we can see this. My little children,
these things I write unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an
advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." Nobody can pray
excepting our Lord Jesus the Christ who is our Saviour, the only mouth piece of
God. No person can offer prayers to God, it is He Himself alone that can speak
on behalf of man. When you come out here to say, "let thanks and praises
be given to the Father," do you think that is the correct way of offering
prayers? No person throughout the entire wide world knows God. All the
inhabitants of the world are eluded of the correct wisdom of the deity of God.
That is why today this pattern of prayer has been given to us. Anywhere you
find yourself you should be bent on giving thanks to God.
Anything you experience in life you should give thanks to God for it is said
that no temptation cometh unto man except that which is destined to befall man,
and in the midst of such temptation God will carve a way out for you.(1 Cor
Your Prayer Is Of Non-Effect
It is said: "are two sparrows not sold for one farthing? And
one shall not fall unto the ground excepting the Father knows about it."(Matt
10:29). It is also said that no man can have anything except it
be given to him from above.(John 3:27). If our prayers were to be effective,
until now, Moses would not have died; Abraham and the rest of them would not
have died away. Upon all the prayers they offered and the fasting they observed
where are they today?
Come to think of our Lord Jesus Christ as a case in point. He told
His Father, "I know you always hear my prayers" (John
11:41-42). But I ask: "On that eventful day, the day He
was arrested, did He not pray?(Matt 26:42/Mark 14:36/Luke22:42). Did the Father
hear His prayers?" It is said: "Ask, seek, knock and ye shall
7:7). Because of this you come in here and make so much noise,
all by way of prayers until my ear drums have been affected. I pity you so
much. And I ask: "These people, do they even know where they are
going?" This
Kingdom is a ready-made one. It has been established in heaven
and sent down on earth in a ready-made manner. There is
nothing you can add onto this Kingdom which is expanding,
and spreading its tentacles throughout the entire world.
Have You Ever Begged God To Forgive Your Sins?
But because God does not take pleasure that man should perish, He
has brought to us this minute knot which has been loosened from our body
system. All these times, did you ever pray that God should forgive your sins?
You are always placing requests before Him. Did you know that anytime you
request anything from God it is the height of insult? Nobody has the right to
even beg God for good health. When you place any request before
Him you are tempting God. I am standing on the highest
heavens to make this proclamation: At no point should you make requests. What can I
request for, after all. Brethren I do not want to overload you. Listen to our
golden text as it is going to be read, which is the panacea for all our
Golden Text: Matthew 6:7-8
"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen
do, for they think they shall be heard for their speaking.
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what
things ye have need of, before ye ask him."
Bestow Thanks to God In Everything He Does Day By Day
Do you think that when you pray thanking the Father: O! Father
thank you for what you have done unto me, thank you God for what you have
bestowed unto me, do you think God does not know what you have need of? Do you
think God is ignorant of your requests? He knows everything about you and at
all times you should bestow thanks on Him. We are indebted to Him, so give
thanks to Him for everything he has done to us. The duty we have to discharge
towards God is that of thanksgiving for everything He bestows onto us. He is the
one that created us. He owns us and knows everything about us. You do not have
any right whatsoever to request anything from His hands. But in all situations
we should be thankful to God.
Wherever God Sends You To, Comply With Urgency
If He has ordained that tomorrow you should go to Lagos when
tomorrow comes you should not waste any time or say, O! Father let me prepare
for the journey to Lagos, but you should leave immediately. Because we have a
spiritual chorus here which says: "My disciples be ever ready." If He says
enter into the water you should comply immediately, for He Himself is water and
He knows where He is sending you to. If we from today continue to render thanks
unto God, and refuse to place requests before Him shall we have any encounter
with God?
Don't Clash With God By Tempting Him
Because it is only when you request something from somebody that
you will either know whether the person is good or bad if he gives you, you
could go back to that person the next day. And the day he will refuse to give
it to you, you claim he is an abominable fellow. Can you see why you have
clashed with God; or why you complain that God does not love you; God has not
done this or that for you? All these emanate from that temptation of placing
requests before God. And this temptation is too hideous and it is too much on
your side. The
insult that is the greatest, is to tempt God. Who are you that
should tempt the one who owns heaven and earth? What is man that he should place
temptation before God? When He destroyed the generation of Noah was He not God?(Gen 6:7).
And when He destroyed the generations of the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
was He still not God?(Gen 19:24-28).
There Is Nothing Evil In The World
All the mighty works that He continue to perform throughout the
entire world is He still not God? Therefore, we should close our mouths and
only give thanks to God in everything happening. For nothing is evil after all
concerning the things that beset us. Temptation is good. Honor is good.
Disgrace is equally good. Death is good. Life is good. All the things that
transpire in the world, they are all good. And therefore we should continue
to give thanks to God over what we see in our lives. You have seen how our Lord
Jesus Christ prayed giving thanks to His Father.(Matt 11:25/John 11:41).
The same must we do.
When Praying Avoid Vain Repetitions
And in our golden text you have been told not to dabble into vain
repetitions. Like when you come out here and say O! Father I am sick, heal me,
pass through and heal the other sick person. I want you to understand that
these are vain repetitions of things He has already known. Is He not the one
that owns you? Is He not the One that is in you? He knows everything about you.
He knows your name and all your problems and difficulties in life. Mention one
thing He has not known about you. When you knock down your head on the
ground you receive grace and when you kneel down you receive His peace. The
moment you knock your head and worship Him saying: Thank you Father for what
you have done, all is well with you.
You Cannot Counsel God On What To Do
You stand here to pray shouting at the top of your voice. Does it
mean that God is deaf? You come out here to show things to God. Does it mean that
God is blind? You come out here to advise God? Did we come in here to tell God
what to do? We all came in here to worship Him and abide by His injunctions. He
knew the reason behind my ordaining prophets and prophetesses in the manner I
have done. Who can tell me the reason behind what I did? Who knew the reason
why somebody who has not yet received of the baptism of this kingdom, cannot
even pray, and the next moment I elect him as a pastor? Do you know the reason
behind this? Even somebody will come in here to steal I will quickly catch him
and ordain him as a pastor.
Do You Know The Reason Behind Anything I Do In This Kingdom?
Has this wisdom of God not eluded all of us? Have we not been
eluded of this recondite wisdom of God? You should be asking yourself these
questions: I came in here lusting after a certain sister, who came to steal but
all of a sudden she said this man has ordained me. What has happened? Even I
could not even pray, but see the position He has given to me in Brotherhood?
Now amongst all the visioners in the Kingdom, those the Father has opened their
eyes, have you seen me ordaining any of them as prophet? But those I ordain as
prophets even if the letter "A" should be as big as this house they
would not see it spiritually. They cannot dream and remember what they dreamt.
But these are the human beings I have elected as prophets. Those who can see
spiritually I have not elected them. But those who cannot see I make them
prophets. Can you see how the wisdom of God has eluded mankind? How many of
the Christ Students have I ordained? They are the preachers, they are those who
understand clearly the intricacies of Brotherhood. But how many of them are
with turbans? There is no ordained one who knows even a single principle of
this Kingdom; yet I ordain them. The Christ Students who know everything about
this Kingdom I have not washed their legs and feet. Have you seen me ordaining
them? Can't you sit back and ask yourself: Why has God done things this way?
Does it mean that God makes mistakes? Here, there are those who left their
mothers, their fathers, their relations and some others resigned from the civil
service and the management positions they were occupying in the world. They
came in here, and have spent twenty-one years, and so shall they remain
forever. But here you are, you are jumping left and right, jumping from pillar
to post, and when you come I ordain you. What do you think about this place?
Even The Christ Students Have No Need For Prayers
Do you remember when Christ said, "whosoever will come after
me but does not hate his mother, his brothers, his sisters, his wife, her
husband, and his very life, cannot be worthy of me?" (Luke 14:26).
Those who have fulfilled these conditions are they not the Christ Students? And
What conditions have you fulfilled? What have you done? Among the Christ
Students they have no need to offer prayers amongst themselves. If somebody
should stand up amongst them to pray saying, O! God give me a child, bless me
with a sister or brother, they will look at you as a small boy and you will be
ashamed. But in your own case when you are given a vision that God has sent a
fat envelope to you, you will knock your head repeatedly and will question
whether the envelope has not arrived yet. Therefore, Brethren enough is enough.
Christ Requested Not Of God About The Resurrection Of Lazarus
This is the year 1989 and from this year henceforth I am going to
fortify you concerning the requirements of this Kingdom. You have heard the
lessons given to you that we should not resemble them. Because they feel that
God hears somebody's prayers through long speaking. But in all things we should
give thanks to God for whatsoever he has done to us. He knows all your
requests. He created you. And therefore there is no need for us to place
requests before Him. And the mere fact that God has called us into this
Kingdom, is that not enough? Show me any other position that is higher than your being elected
into this wonderful Kingdom. You have heard the pattern of
prayers that our Lord Jesus Christ offered: "O! Father thank you because I
know that at all times you have been hearing my prayers. But because of the
people standing here say I this that your name may be glorified."(John 11:42).
Did the Father not know that Lazarus was dead? He is the one responsible for
his going on transition; and did He not cause Lazarus to resurrect? Did our
Lord Jesus Christ request Him to cause Lazarus to resurrect? Or did He report
to the Father that: "Father behold Lazarus my friend is now dead." He
did none of these, but rather gave thanks to the Father. And this pattern of
prayer should remain, and be observed throughout our lives. He created you and
called you into this kingdom. He knows all your problems; and daily, He is
solving them for you. When Martha reported to our Lord Jesus Christ saying:
"Behold the one that you love so much is sick. What did Christ say in
reply? He told her that the sickness of Lazarus is not that which will lead
unto death. But he is sick to reveal the glory of God."(John
11:3-4). He passed on His way.
Think of this, somebody is telling you that your best friend is
sick, but you give an answer, and still go your way undisturbed. After this our
Lord Jesus Christ was told that Lazarus had died. And after four days He told His
disciples, "let us go back to Bethany," and they asked Him, "is
it the very place that you were to be stoned that we should go back to?"
He said, "we should go back because Lazarus is asleep." And they
said,"let him sleep well." But He said, "no, it is not the
ordinary sleep but he has gone on transition."
Peter was a very devout person. When our Lord Jesus Christ said,
"we should go back and cause Lazarus to resurrect," Peter was so
inquisitive that they should see another miracle, just as you want to know many
things happening in this Kingdom.
Lazarus Came Back To Life
But see the behavior of our Lord Jesus Christ by the tomb of
Lazarus. If this was to be done by an ordinary human being, in this world,
would he not call upon the name of Lazarus?
He would have mentioned the name of Lazarus to God: O! God see my
friend Lazarus who was so good, he used to cook for me, walked with me
everywhere. He would have called God to curse Satan, to destroy juju and
apparition. But he was making very cute sentences. He prayed God: O! Father
thank you, for I know you always hear my prayers; but for the sake of the
people say I this. He called Lazarus to come out of the tomb, and he obeyed.
Who Has Taught You To Behave In This Manner?
This is the Kingdom of God and not the kingdom of the world.
Now when you want to offer prayers, you see yourselves carrying turbans. This
one will hold this edge and another person will hold the other end and you will
encircle somebody and pray. I have seen something in this kingdom! You place
the turban on somebody's head. Some will use the turban to beat other parts of
the person receiving prayers.
REFERENCE: Everlasting Gospel By The Sole Spiritual Head Of The Universe, Leader Olumba Olumba
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