Evangelizing Olumba's Teachings

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For Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house. Testifying both to the Jews, also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. And now, behold, I go bound in the spin unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there. Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me.

And when we heard these things, both we, and they of that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, what mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. And when he would not lie persuaded, we ceased, saying, the will of the Lord be done.

Beloved, it is said, Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. (Romans 14:22).
Now, your take home message today is as read in the scriptures, that the spirit that is in you lusts against you and does not leave you an inch. Make sure you do whatever the spirit in you enjoins you to do in form of advice, vision and instruction.
On no account should you be led by man, angel, etc, rather, it is the spirit alone that should lead you. By His pieces of advice alone should you abide. As many as are led by the spirit are the bonafide children of God.
A good number of Us have hitherto been engaging in one service or the other, claiming that such services are for God. The question is, are you rendering such services out of the dictates of the Holy Spirit?
Whoever lives according to the dictates of the Holy Spirit is God’s true child and it is evident that God is dwelling in him/her. It is said that not all the children of Abraham are Abraham’s true children; that it is not all the Israelites that are the true children of the elects of Israel. It is further proclaimed, that all the inhabitants of the world are God’s children, but note, that it is not everybody that is His true child. The question is, why is it that we all are God’s begotten children, yet some are His beloved children while others are not? This forms the core of what the Father intends to reveal to you this morning.
Today, in the worldly situation, it is true that their father only loves the children who are obedient, hardworking, merciful and peaceful at the expense of those who are stubborn, lazy, merciless, violent etc. So whoever does things out of his own volition and refuses to follow God sheepishly has no share in the kingdom of God.
Abraham was obedient to God to the core, hence, when God called him and asked him to leave his country, kindred and father’s house to the land that He would show him, he undertook the assignment immediately. This Abraham did without complaining, for the fact that he was all the time led by the spirit and was always acting according to the dictates of that Holy Spirit. Should we all attempt to listen to the Holy Spirit and act according to His dictates, we would doubtlessly realise that God is in us, and consequently we would be witnessing His power, bliss, glory and salvation in us.
God is not as stupid as man, hence, ever before He calls a man, He first of all makes sure He imbues him with His spirit which would lead direct and instruct him always. We are the architects of our problems, because each time we violate His divine instructions, we experience God’s wrath and chiding.
Our opening address for this fellowship week with the Father is found in John 14:18
I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you.
Right from the time of Adam, God has never left anybody desolate rather, He is ever dwelling in man, directing and leading him. It is our failure to obey Him and abide by what He advises us to do that help us still in our depraved position. It is said that a child who walks circumspectively will kill that which had killed his father, but any child who does not walk circumspectively would be killed by what had killed his father. It is imperative therefore that you listen very attentively to this gospel.
If Adam had shunned the voice of man and embraced that of God alone, nothing would have been able to separate Him from God. The spirit is the only leader, hence, the very song before each second part of our meeting thus: Spirit of the living God come and lead us, for it was written about you to lead man. Since He dwells in you He has always been leading you. Otherwise you would not be performing well because you lack a divine leadership. This gospel is meant to guide you into retracing your steps.
You might have heard that many are called and few are chosen. This is a veritable truth, for out of the number He calls very few are chosen by Him. It is also said that two people would be lying down on the bed and another two grinding maize, but that one person each shall be taken out of the group in spite of the other. Now the question arises, why would these things happen so? The reason is that those rejected have blatantly refused to obey God. Remember that Adam and Eve were enjoined to eat all the fruits in the garden of Eden except that which was on the tree in the center of the garden. They were also told of the obvious penalty that would follow the violation of that divine order. In spite of that, they were daring enough to have violated the injunction. Did they not suffer for it?
The Father is the only teacher and leader, therefore it is erroneous heaping for yourselves baseless teachers and leaders. It is to this end that He says emphatically thus:
Be ye not called Rabbi: for one is your master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth for one is your Father, which is in heaven Neither be ye called masters; for one is your master, even Christ. (Matthew 23: 8 - 10).
It is also said:
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you; but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. (I John 2: 27).
From now henceforth, let us all listen to Him alone and make sure His pieces of advice constitute our watchword at all times.
Before you came into the world, He had been your Teacher. You have heard of the revelation of an infant about the deity of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the only celebrative Teacher and to Him alone should we hearken throughout our life time. It was to this end that David prayed to God for the retrieval of his Holy Spirit. He (David), was led by the spirit, hence, when he intended building a chapel, a cathedral for the Lord, at the instance of the spirit in Him instructing Him not to do so for his hands were soiled with blood, he readily hearkened to the instruction of the spirit. Moreso, when king Saul waged a war against David, the later ran and hide in a certain place, but God (the spirit in him) advised him to flee from such a hiding place, else, Saul would find him there and kill him. He obeyed and vacated the place immediately.
We all do hear our hearts telling us certain things. He informed that, that shrill voice in your heart is the Holy Spirit in you, and that it is your neglect of such divine instruction while going about doing that which the flesh directs, that always causes you to derail and hence face the wrath of God.
You must have heard that Christ handed over the key of this kingdom to Peter. Now, what constitutes the said key? It is prayer. So, prayer is that which unlocks everywhere and makes all things possibly visible. Should you fast, pray and act according to the dictates of the Holy Spirit, you would surely see the light of the day, and also have your situations changed. If you pray, you would truly find Him (the spirit in you) instructing you on what you should best do. Should you do that which He instructs you to do, then you would see His glory in you being made manifest. Prayer is the Key to this kingdom, and if you joke with prayers, you will definitely miss the light of the day. You are witnesses to the fact that I spend most of my times praying. If prayers were not of immense significance in one’s life, I would not have told you this, but since an adage has it that "It is the long suffering of the maize that causes it to give out the explosive sound on fire." I better leave you to deliberate on it.
Besides, I keep telling you that I pray before coming into the altar, and on reaching the altar, I have to pray again. Finally, I make sure, I pray before mounting the altar, before delivering the word onto you. After the gospel you are the true witnesses that I pray before descending the altar. So, prayer consumes most of my times. But for the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ had engaged Himself very actively in prayers. He would not have succeeded. With prayer, all things are possible. Know that it is unprofitable doing things out of your own volition; by violating His words and embracing your carnal instincts, you find yourself automatically engulfed by darkness.
The Holy spirit is nearer to us than the tongue is to the teeth. It is in confirmation of this, that when the Pharisees requested of Him when the kingdom of God would come, He told them that the kingdom of God would not come by observation. For instance if all the good things of this life were packed into a room and locked up, and the key to the room is being handed over to you, even with the key in your hand, unless you unlock the room, you cannot take anything out of it. The same is applicable to prayer. Whether you like it or not, prayer is the key to this new kingdom. Do not ask anybody for anything here on earth, instead, channel all your requests to God in prayer.
Believe me that all those who have initiated in secret societies have all gone astray. Also, as many that patronizes native doctors, soothsayers, medical doctors, oracle etc, have derailed completely from the path of rectitude. So, prayer is the surest medium in life through which you can have your requests readily met.
The Holy Spirit in you is the only rightful person to instruct you on the kind of food you are expected to eat, the kind of cloth you are expected to wear and the kind of cream, soap and cosmetics you are expected to apply on yourself. He is equally the only rightful person to advise you on the things you should say at any point in time. The kind of relationship you should maintain in life. He alone is aware of the good and bad effects of these things in your entire life, socially and spiritually. There is no other person who is vested with the knowledge of these things the world over.
All the teachings you acquire in the worldly churches are counterfeit because they do not emanate from God. These things are unprofitable, for they have no bearing with the teaching of God. The Holy Spirit has a very secret place of abode - that His secret place of abode is man. Man as an entity constitutes the place of manifest of this word of God. Whereas man wanders round the universe, the Holy Spirit maintains His unique dwelling place. Read the first lesson again.
For Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Who is he in the world that can teach you this kind of a thing? You come into this kingdom to be taught by the Holy Spirit; should you, at anytime, make cheap any of the teachings imparted to you here and rather embrace the teaching of man, you are doing yourself more harm than good, because the teachings of man are unprofitable. They are vanity. It is said that there is just one spirit that supplies us with power, salvation, good health, life, faith, goodness, and the ability to preach. The Holy Spirit creates us and commissions us to be helpful to other people, act as advisers, instructors etc. Following the fact that you are always exhibiting these qualities given to you by Him, people are bound to submit to you. Therefore it is imperative that we stop doubting Him, rather adhere strictly to all the things He expects of us. Furthermore, Paul was commissioned not to baptize, but to spread the good news, without the affliction of man’s wisdom, so that Christ’s death on the cross be not without glory and power. He adhered to this strictly without any form of deliberation. It is to this end that he emerges the most hard working, of all the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
If as a baptized member of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star you do not bear testimonies to what you behold in the kingdom today, but rather, bear testimonies of other church denominations and the prophets of old, how then would people know about Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and how would the glory of God be made manifest? It is true that as soon as you had come in here and were baptized, the Father automatically imbued you with the spirit of healing, visioning, prophesying, praying, casting out demons etc. With these gifts functioning in you, you are experts in any of the fields you are being directed to operate. Once you have achieved this, make sure that you do not apply man’s wisdom in your operations, but rather, act according to how the spirit directs you and in accordance with the norms of the kingdom. All the virtues and righteousness which the Father preaches to you, all day long, are the things you are expected to go out with and impart to others.
So, it is time you go into every nook and cranny of the world and preach righteousness, sanctity, celibacy, etc to all and sundry. Get them informed that the Father warns strongly against unrighteousness vices and acquaint them with the impending consequences of indulging in these things the Father has warned against.
Your success in converting a sinner to God brings benefits both to you and the person you have converted. Otherwise you continue to feed your problems and hence their refusal to leave you. Since you find joy still in indulging in the things He advises you not to do you cannot be free. It is said:
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For If ye live after the flesh, you shall die; but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deed of the body, ye shall live. (Romans 8:12-13).
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the school of love, hence, what you should teach to people is often revealed to you ahead of time. These and nothing else, must you impart to them at all times. All the inhabitants of the world, ever before they embraced Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, had been convinced of the fact that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star does not indulge in sins, so, it is imperative that when you come in here, you have to keep to the norms of this kingdom and purge yourself of all your former life styles and deeds. Here you are expected to be virtuous and righteous as your Leader, but when you go contrary to the said expectation, what do you think would become of you? The answer is damnation, frustration and perdition.
One of our publications entitled, ‘FIRST STEP TO GOD’ contains all the things you are expected to shun and those that you should embrace. It also instructs that you should accept baptism and avoid segregation and distinction in the world, for we all are one. All these must you do accordingly, should you wish to see the light of the day here in the kingdom. It is therefore expedient that you always live according to the dictates of the Holy Spirit, for anyone who is led by the spirit does not err. If those of us who had come in here were living according to the dictates of the Holy Spirit, we would have had no problems, because the spirit relents in no second of the day admonishing and instructing us on what we should do to be saved and problem free. The spirit directs us not to impute sins on other people. This we should maintain strictly to avoid problems in life.
You are the luckiest generation because God in this era is by no means, desirous of your perdition. The Holy Spirit is the only one that gives the best directives and leadership, hence, our reason for singing thus: ‘Spirit of the living God, come and lead for it was written that you would lead.’ There is need then for you to subject yourself to His leadership while making sure you do not obstruct any of His directive, and so impede His glory manifesting itself. Endeavour to stand against this at all times. Read the second lesson again.
And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house. Testifying both to the Jews, also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. And now, behold, I go bound in the spin unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there. Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me.
What Paul did was a typical example of walking according to the dictates of the Holy Spirit. That was why, when he was asked not to go to Jerusalem so as not to be tortured, he neither heeded the advice nor delayed his action. If he had rejected such a mandate because of the tribulation that was awaiting him there, he would not have emerged such a renowned man of God. It is the failure of most crusaders to adhere to the instructions of the Holy Spirit just like Paul did, that makes them to have problems in life. For instance, right from the time they left India, they have pot been there again. But the question is, is it the Holy Spirit that is instructing them not to go there again? The spirit has hitherto been persistently instructing them to go to the said place and several other places, but because of their claims to lack of time, resources and opportunities, they keep delaying such a divine and beneficial instruction.
You all have been complaining of not being blessed by God, but have you kept to His injunctions? Do you not know that we are all His servants, and so we must of a necessity serve Him relentlessly? We should follow God sheepishly as Paul did, should we anticipate our problems in life to cease. In fact, it is your devoted services to God that sum up to God’s total glorification. He has reasons for calling you crusaders and for giving you the "crusading" mandate, but if you because of one thing or the other refuse to take up such a mandate, you are invariably pleasing yourselves at God’s expense. As a result, God would have no business with you. If God should instruct you to offer yourself as a burnt sacrifice or fall into a river, do not object, instead, do same, for He has His reasons for setting such a task before you. Just pray for the ability to accomplish it.
The task before every crusader to is put the gospel across to all before the end comes. The question is clear, how many cities have you so far touched? The children of God are found in all planes of manifest therefore in every nook and cranny of the world where they may be found they have to be fed with the good tidings. You have no other area of operation, because the entire world is free for you to penetrate with the gospel. Always listen to the spirit while trying to do all He directs you to do all times.
One of our sisters stated, that she had walked from Cameroon to Ivory Coast (cote D’ voire) in attempting to disseminate the gospel. The said sister did not want her financial situation debar her from putting the good tidings across to others. If before now you were a lawyer, a medical doctor, an accountant, etc, once you have been called by the Father, you automatically become His servant at the expense of what you previously were. Being His servants, you have to keep strictly to His divine injunctions at all times: even if He advises you to shun your former profession and embrace trading, farming or fishing, this must you comply to without complaining, and shamelessly too. If you do these things out of your volition, and according to the wishes of your heart, you are seeking for your own glory but not God’s own glory; but should you operate according to. God’s directives you are truthful, and this will go a long way in glorifying God. in this case you’ll not return empty handed. Read the golden text again.
And when we heard these things, both we, and they of that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, what mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. And when he would not lie persuaded, we ceased, saying, the will of the Lord be done.
The above excerpt has led to the spiritual song that has it thus: ‘what shall separate us from the love of God? Nothing shall separate us, be it hunger, death, temptation, sickness, lack, frustration, war, imprisonment, poverty, false accusation etc. Beloved, have you now realised what is meant by faith? As many as are called into this kingdom are bound to do exactly what Paul did earlier in this gospel. Many of you often request God to open your eyes so that you might see and flee away from the tribulations that would be coming your way. Our Lord Jesus Christ was quite conversant with this fact, hence, He without fear or lamentation stood firm on the cause of all that He had encountered in life, despite the fact that He had foreseen those issues. As God’s servants, you have to be enthusiastic about all forms of impending tribulations, so as to exalt His name. There are some who do things according to their own hearts’ desires at the expense of God’s designs. I am often assuring you, that they are many, who would have leave this kingdom empty handed.
An adage has it that the rain can only obstruct movements to the farm but not to the market. All complaints, ranging from economic crunch, poverty, sickness, frustration, escalating prices of fuels (transportation) to lack of time and ability, have nothing to do with God. Instead you have to modify your time, money and opportunities to suit you while on God’s services. For it is this form of enthusiasm that warrants you a true and an obedient child of God. Our coming here is not to please ourselves by dressing gorgeously, driving "flashy" cars etc, instead, it is to serve Him diligently and adhere strictly to His divine pieces of advice always.
Some of you have donated one material thing or the other here in the kingdom ranging from erecting strong buildings, presenting cars to the Father, providing infrastructures etc. Having done these things, you boast about, of having done something for God. But tell me, when did God request such donations from you? God is the one to design something before you embark on such a project, else you are seeking for your own vain glory and hence, constituting yourself into a disobedient child.
Do not hand your faith in man, government, relations, your boss in the office etc, instead, hand your faith in God alone and do all that He directs you to do. By so doing, you will be His obedient child. Never look at a man neither should you allow yourself to he misguided by any man to go contrary to what the spirits direct you to do. For if you dare this, you will lose all that you would have gained from your God.
You are asked to walk in the spirit always, for if this is done, you would no longer do that which interests the flesh. The spirit in you will often be advising you to do that which is good. When you hear such an instruction from Him, adhere strictly to it and do not believe that it is one of your hearts that gives you such an instruction. The second thoughts that you always entertain are misleading they are from the flesh. They are not the spirit. When you are being advised by that still voice in you to forgive people, not to bear grudge etc, know that such pieces of advice are from God. The flesh has been advising you to embrace polygamy so as to multiply as said in the scripture. The moment you accept or even listen to this kind of advice, you are doomed, for it is not from God.
Initially, the Americans were not willing to incorporate Brotherhood of the Cross and Star in that part of the globe. But when Bishop (James Elergbe applied for the certificate of incorporation for Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, The Americans signed the documents without legislation, and approved the incorporation of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star there. They did this because they thought America would necessarily be made its world Headquarters. Later on, when they heard of the scheduled pilgrimage to Calabar, the world headquarters of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, they were troubled. They seemed to see no reason why Brotherhood of the Cross and Star should have been incorporated there first, while places like Russia, India etc were yet to embrace it.
The case was taken to court, since the American termed such a notion to be an insult on them. During the first court sitting about 16 judges were in attendance. Bishop Felix who had known what the case entailed, rushed down, hinted me, that should the court case be decided and Brotherhood of the Cross and Star was not favoured, it would mean that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star will till eternity, not penetrate America again. On hearing this, I pronounced that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has done to settle in America forever. I wrote this in form of a letter to them but since the letter did not get to them, the Father then made the case to hold and Brotherhood of the Cross and Star emerged victorious.
Before, it was accepted that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star be incorporated there. Later on the chief judge decided not to judge in favour of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. But following his personal testimony that someone was talking within him instructing that he should not fail to incorporate Brotherhood of the Cross and Star in American, he had to reverse his decision and judged in favor of Brotherhood of Cross and Star. It was the Holy Spirit we were talking about in our gospel this morning that was advising the said chief judge. So right now Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is known and embraced in America more than all other places in the Western world. They (Americans) were soon coming in their numbers to the kingdom headquarters. It is to this end that you are often enjoined not to listen to any man, the government, your relations, colleagues etc, but to the Holy Spirit in you.
Everybody now listens to the spirit, hence there is no part of the globe you will introduce Brotherhood of the Cross and Star to that you will have problem. The whites are all listening to the spirit. But the blacks are way far from this truth. There is no black that accepts to listen to the spirit. Instead, he often prefers the advice given him by parents, wife, husband, relations etc, to that of God. The effect is that to this end you (the blacks) still remain in your depraved position.
By now, Biakpan would have emerged as a very great and magnificent city. Since we all adhere to the dictates of the flesh and prefer man’s advice to that of God, it is still undeveloped. The spirit often advises you on what you should be doing so as to have good rewards. Know now that it is your constant failure to keep to what the spirit directs you to do, that makes you often leave the kingdom unrewarded. After all, it is said ‘who are those that would receive the bliss of God and those to return empty handed? The responses is, that those who keep to the dictates of the spirit would receive the bliss of God, while those who object to the instructions of God would return empty handed.
You have been warned not to change your husband neither should you follow him in doing that which is evil, any time you discover that he indulges in such practices. But most women do not keep to this divine advice, they adhere rather to the advice of man hence, they often divorce their husbands and jump from pillar to post, for simply being told that this is what her husband always indulges in. Do you not know that by doing this you have failed? This is the advice the Father has for you today. As many of you as have been violating God’s instructions, should refrain from such unbeneficial acts. Do you not know that once you violate His instruction, you have deprived yourself of life, salvation and His bliss? It benefits you nothing by being disobedient to Him: rather: you should always obey Him and do all that
He enjoins you to do. After all it is said:
Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith today if ye will hear his voice, (Hebrews 3:7). What we always hear in this kingdom, is the voice of God and not that of man.
It is said that a stroke of the cane is enough for the wise man. Let those who have ears hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the entire world. May God bless His Holy words - Amen.

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