A flashback of the August 26th, 1979 meeting by 13 churches denomination in order to bring down Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and drag the name of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu into mud. The meeting which was held in Abak Road in Ikot Ekpene was spearheaded by Rev. Offiong of The Apostolic Church, in their meeting the have strategies how they will do this using the following propaganda :
1 That Olumba Olumba Obu is evil, Beelzebub, Satan and a bloodsucker
2 That Olumba Obu is not God but is an ordinary human
3 That Brotherhood of the Cross and Star drinks human blood
4 That if you step your feet into Brotherhood of the Cross and Star that you are heading to hellfire etc.
After the meeting one of them by name L. Usanga wrote a letter which I have attached below to the Holy Father Leader Olumba Olumba Obu saying that he has been to Brotherhood before but never witness any of what they said and as such will not partake in the conspiracy nor want to see the downfall of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, according to him, he said they all knew that Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is not any of the above but they are using this method to destroy the fold because they have started losing their members to Olumba Obu whom they know is coming to Transform man, Judge Man and established the kingdom of God on earth and that He the Leader Olumba Obu has revealed Himself to them and they know He is God who has come in human form, but they are going to lose if their members realized this truth as such they conspire to bring down Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and drag Olumba’s name to mud so that people will not believe in Him.
This is exactly what is going on in Pastors meeting today. The truth is, almost all the churches denomination in the world including Islamic leaders, Herbalist, Traditional worshiper, Pope and the rest know truly well that Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is the promised comforter and God in Human form, but the feel that if they revealed this truth to their members they will all leave their churches and since they are using church as industry to make money they refused to tell them the truth instate they poison their minds that Olumba Obu is evil.
Today so many pastor extort money tactically from their members, by introducing, sowing of seed, altar fund, deliverance fund, prophecy fund, note that it is time the owner of the Universe is here and is ready to take the bull by the horn, to judge every man according to his work, so if you are one of them repent or you will meet doom or if you know any of them advise them because the time is ripe.
Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is an unmovable God Almighty.
Evidence below